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Is program different from event? Part of us may think both are the same things, but part of others may think both differ. Generally program may be seen as a plan of series activities that is done to achieve a specific goal or set of goals. While event may generally be seen as activities occur in certain place during a particular interval of time ( A simple different of both may be that event can be more a one time occurrence while program usually runs for a series or longer.
Although different in some aspects, both often can be used interchangeably. Programs/events are key, and become more important elements for organizations nowadays. Corporate, non-profit institution or government launch various programs/ events every year to support organization in achieving business objectives or strategic goals. However, good programs/events don’t just happen by its self. They need a lot of consideration. A set of decisions on what to be done, who does what, when, where and how to do it, should be carefully planned in advance prior to execution.
With its years of experience in handling program/event development and evaluation, Beerka offers clients to make advantage of our experience, knowledge and expertise to help design a flawless, successful and impactful programs/events.
Awarding Program/Event Development
Award can boost organization’s reputation or make a brand “standing out of the crowd”. It can also give awardees a morale boost by highlighting their achievements. Therefore, awarding program/event now becomes a strategic tool for organization to serve many purposes:
Rising awareness
Building intended image
Creating engagement
Giving appreciation and recognition
Boosting Motivation
Building relationship and loyalty
On this area, Beerka’s team has long experience in developing many types of awarding programs/events, especially a research-based awarding program/event. In this role we will develop a strategic plan, identify initiatives, and implement tactical steps to guide clients in making their awarding programs/events to happen. In some cases, we can also assist with plan reviews to ensure client’s plan continues to reflect the reality as they would achieve. Apart from technical side, Beerka also has a wide network of journalists and media companies which can be an advantage for amplifying awarding message into a broader reach and making it stands out of the noise.
The followings are types of awarding program that may be developed in various ways according to client’s need and requirement. Please contact us to further discuss or get a RFQ
For example is an award targeted for industry players
For example is an award targeted for one or some of
companies’ stakeholders
– For example is an award targeted to professionals with best
– For example is an award targeted for best or most favorite brands
For example is an award targeted for employees with outstanding performance
For example is an award targeted for branch office with excellence customer service
For example is an award targeted for cities with best
performance in public service
For example is an award targeted for most contributing companies in road safety enhancement
Consumer-Based Program/Event Evaluation
Numerous programs/events have been conducted by corporate, non-profit institution and government each year; brand campaign, product sampling, promotion, loyalty program, public socialization, social intervention, and many others. In fact, corporates and government do not only have to conduct programs/events to meet organizational objectives, but also have to do evaluation of the programs/events. Evaluation is a process of understanding and measuring how a program/event has succeeded in completing required purpose. The purpose of a program/event will differ with respect to its category and variation.
Therefore program/event evaluation will usually also use a specific set of key indicators in accordance with the program/event characteristics. The fundamental reason why it is carried out is to ensure that the program/event objectives are achieved in total. Another more constructive goal to do evaluation is to make recommendations about how a program/event might be improved in the future in achieving its aims more effectively or efficiently.
Some programs/events involving societies, consumers or customers as audience or target, a set of indicators and metrics related to societies can be established for the purpose of evaluation. Various techniques according to the variation of the program/event can be proposed to run the evaluation activity; including in those are survey, observation and indepth interview, to mention some.
Having an extensive experience in research and measurement, Beerka also provides a consumer-based program/event evaluation for clients who seeking opportunity for their future program/event improvements. This is a program/event evaluation from the perspective and behavior of societies/consumers. In this area, Beerka will help client by developing systematic steps ranging from objective identification, indicator and metric development, instrument design, data collection, analysis until inferencing constructive and actionable recommendations. Please contact us to further discuss or get a RFQ