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Bintang lima untuk pelayanan Beerka.

Dahlia Wijaya
Sales & Marketing, Contoh Perusahaan

Behind the success of a circulating product or service in the market, there must be a story of significant market research. Market research is essential for starting and running a successful business. It gives companies direction and helps them stay tuned in what customers want and industry/market offers.

To run a successful business, companies need to conduct market research; by learning deeply about customers, competitors and industry. Why customer, because customer is where companies make money from. Learning customer will help companies to get much better understanding of their wants, needs and expectations, behaviors and demographics profile. By having sufficient data makes it much easier for companies to make products/services they’re looking for, and even adjust everything about business to better fit customers’ needs.

Apart from customers, taking a look into industry is also important point as it will help companies get a better sense of their position. Industry analysis helps companies assess demand, supply and perhaps technological changes. It can find external factors that influence the competition. Industry analysis also enables companies better forecast growth rate and plan for evolving industry dynamics to find the best possible strategy to increase market power.

So important are customer and industry insight for business, Beerka periodically conducts study to provide clients with various insights and reports related to industry, market, consumer trends, people’s habits & behavior, public opinion, etc. Currently Beerka is in process of producing final omnibus report on consumers and industry analysis.


Riset Segmentasi

Pemetaan segmen pasar atau pelanggan

Riset Positioning

Melihat posisi relatif produk/merek dalam peta persaingan

Studi Industri

Meneliti profil dan karakteristik  sebuah industri

Market Sizing

Melakukan perkiraan dan pendugaan besaran pasar produk

Competitive Advantage

Melihat peta keunggulan relatif suatu produk/merek dalam peta persaingan

Market Profiling

Meneliti profil dan karakteristik sebuah pasar


Efektifitas Program Pemasaran

Mengukur dan mengevaluasi
efektifitas pelaksanaan program pemasaran yang telah berjalan

Riset Ekuitas Merek

Mengukur dan mengevaluasi
indeks ekuitas suatu merek,
termasuk perbandingannya
dengan sejumlah pesaing

Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan

Mengukur dan mengevaluasi
indeks kepuasan pelanggan
terhadap layanan atau kinerja

Tracking Produk & Merek

Pemantauan kinerja produk/merek berdasar kriteria tertentu secara periodik dalam rentang waktu tertentu


Wawancara Tatap Muka - Kertas

Wawancara langsung – face to face - ke responden menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur – paper based interview


Wawancara langsung ke responden dengan bantuan telephone/HP, mengacu pada kuesioner yang telah disusun sebelumnya

Wawancara Tatap Muka - Android

Wawancara langsung – face to face - ke responden menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur dengan bantuan aplikasi survei berbasis android – android based interview

Focus Group Discussion - FGD

Diskusi terarah tentang topik tertentu yang melibatkan responden spesifik dan dipandu oleh seorang moderator terlatih

Desk Research

Eksplorasi informasi dan data secara luasmendalam dengan mengandalkan pada sumber-sumber informasi/data yang telah tersedia

In-depth Interview - IDI

Wawancara langsung ke responden yang menjadi sumber utama data/informasi dengan penggalian secara luas dan mendalam.


Tes Produk
Tes Produk
Tes Iklan
Optimasi Harga
Optimasi Harga
Usage & Attitude